I decided to take a quick break and take a morning day out to Venice Beach, so I ripped yet another hoodie short and added studs Took me about an hour to finish just because I added alot of studs:

This is what Youll need:
1) Shears aka fabric scissors
3)Pliers or shark object (i used an extra awl I had)

After unbending the stud legs and bending them on to the hoodie we were set and on our way to sea and sun.
ooooh giiiiiirl..thanks for this! it totally makes sense..kinda like in kinder when you made cut outs of pople and all the bendy part u had to use those tacs, where u pierce tha paper and then open the hooks....now I just gotta kind some killer spikes ...thanks for the post..p.s ur body is sick..dangerous curves ahead eehhhhh lol