Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Treasure Find-Oversized Mickey Denim Jacket

Found: Oversized Mickey Denim Jacket by Jerry Leigh
Where: Mommas Closet
$$$$$: zero!-nothing like a free hand me down

PS- Im considering editing the jacket a bit...maybe cut of sleeves and add studs? Dont know dont know dont know!

JUST BECAUSE-Linzos new hair

DIY earrings by me. DIY glasses by Josie.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Flea Market Girl Jewelry

I just recently discovered this awesome jewelry line called Flea Market Girl at a new store called Local Collection in the glendale galleria. Its a small store that delivers nothing but local designer items from jewelry, to clothing, to art for your apartment. If you know me you know I always got to rock that gold and these babies weren't going to pass me by: